My heartfelt thanks for the wonderful send off by everyone who lined all of Stafford Street to Orams Lane on the day of David’s was a very moving and touching moment. Special thanks too to our family and friends who attended the Funeral and to all who donated in Memory of David.
I am very pleased to tell you that a total of £725 including Gift Aid was raised for The Alzheimer’s Society Research. Also a total of £870 was raised for our local Brewood Dementia Support Group at the Medical Practice and it has now become a Limited Company in its own right so if you donated online or presented a cheque please be patient whilst a Bank Account is forthcoming!
I will treasure all your kind comments and memories you held of David and the part he played in your lives. I was lucky to have 30 happy years of amazing memories.
Full rainbows were captured on camera by two friends, one on the Funeral morning and another the following morning, each rainbow from opposite directions and appearing to fall over our home....quite an unforgettable comfort for me as David always knew my favourite Funeral song would be Look For Me In Rainbows by the lovely Vicki Brown from Liverpool, who recorded it before she died!
My special thanks to you dear Simone for setting up David’s special Memorial Page and making everything go as smoothly as possible...x